Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Ride's Over (for now)

The playoff run may have already ended, but the Warriors, in the eyes of many loyal fans at home (and some away from home, of course :) ), are proud of what they have accomplished this year. Even though the past couple of games had us looking hungry for more, we really were happy with just the mere thought of breaking into the playoffs.

Last night's loss, like any loss, did inflict pain. Did it hurt more knowing it was partly ex-Warrior Derek Fisher's contributions that won it for Utah? Actually, it was easier to accept it that way (even though Fisher really is more ex-Laker than ex-Warrior). It's a weird thing. It reminds me of this great scene in Road to Perdition when the old mob boss (played by Paul Neuman) knew he had reached his end when the assassin (an ex-crew member, played by Tom Hanks) entered the room. "I'm glad it was you." Seconds later he was dead.

But there really is so much more positive than negative. The sun's out and a brighter future is ahead.

Awesome season, guys! Thanks.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

A New Crew

Lewis, Ortmeier, Frandsen.

It's the new crew. And today's game against the Rockies was a showcase of the potential these guys have to offer to the Giants. They make contact and run like hell!

Add these guys to veterans like Aurilia, Sweeney, Vizquel, Roberts, and Durham and you've got quite a platoon of players.

I do look forward to seeing these guys get more action, more playing time to get them acquainted with everyday major league play.

Keep at it, guys...

Friday, May 11, 2007


It's really all gravy at this point. But by winning this game, the Warriors have again thrown another grenade at the NBA community...and that is faaaaaantastic baby!! After the game ESPN had to cut in to Sportscenter and the hosts couldn't believe what they had to say on the air, that this is "...Golden State ball..." (we gotta label now!)

Monday, May 07, 2007

Staying on Target

It wasn't a start for the history books, but a damn good one, nonetheless. Tim just went about his business and kept his focus on making pitches. While he may have looked lost at times, he was never astray for too long.

He can only get better.

Nutjobs and Goofballs

This series might not be as sensational as what we saw in Oakland last week, especially since the Warriors are a known entity now, well past the status of carefree underdog, but it's an aficionado's dream -- the rock-solid Jazz against what the Salt Lake City Tribune describes as "Don Nelson's crazy, talented little band of nutjobs and goofballs."

Quote of the day: What happens to Nelson's "We're just a bunch of schmoes" campaign now that the Warriors are in the second round? "It's Nellie and the good Schmoes," the coach said. "The better-than-we thought Schmoes."

Everyone's just coming along for the ride is what I'd like to say. Good, bad, loyal, detractor, bandwagon passenger, sports lover, anti-depressant, fan of the game, reporter, schmoe, nutjob, goofball. Either way it goes, it's all one big bus and everyone's invited :).

Friday, May 04, 2007


Do people still continue to not give the Warriors their due? How about this commanding win over Dallas? That change your mind a bit? :)

No matter. Ya can't ignore us anymore, that's fer sure!

Have a good one.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Gave ya a fright?

I don't care anymore how this series ends. This team is a winner in my eyes. The Mavs beat em up with a 21-point deficit early on. And what do the Warriors do? They crawl their way back in and even lead the game in the 4th quarter.

Why did they lose? I think it's destiny. They will win it back in Oakland. The basketball gods just felt it too inappropriate to allow the Warriors to not win in their home, where loyal fans deserve to feel the glory.

One thing for sure, the Mavs (and the crowd) were on the verge of a heart attack last night.