Monday, April 27, 2009

BB in the Booth

It was nice surprise to see Barry in the booth in today's game. Just listening to him talk to Kruk and Kuip about baseball was very entertaining. They should think about having him come in more often. Too bad he had to move over to the radio booth (with John Miller and Dave Fleming). Good to see ya, BB.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Pitch streak

Giants pitching has been solid for at least the past 4 starts! Looks like Lincecum has snapped back, Cain finally got good run support, Randy Johnson was in the zone, and Barry Zito was on a mission! Good work guys! The bullpen has been very effective, as well. Jeremy Affeldt is a great addition.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

See you later space cowboy...

It's been months since I bought a used copy of the first eposide and I've been hooked ever since. I've seen all 26 episodes of Cowboy Bebop by now of course.....and I wouldn't debate one bit why a lot of people rank it so high in thier all-time lists for anime. The characters, the storylines, the soundtrack.....excellent work. I'm glad these all got done before the proliferation of computer-based animation. I'm a little worried about the live action film that's in production. Will it do this masterpiece justice?

St Vincent

I had only heard bits of her music in a radio feature, but it was enough to be curious about Annie Clark's music. Coincidentally, I had been browsing through the local library's music collection when I happened to find her Marry Me album, so I borrowed it. I love "Landmines", but "What Me Worry" is my favorite in the album. She playfully channels Ella Fitzgerald in her own way.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Griffey's Return

Griffey's return last night was a monster festival. I haven't earned yet enough time here to be a "local" but I can tell you the feeling this city has for can't miss it.