Monday, October 12, 2009

The Office

After I got my Roku player from Netflix I started loading up my streaming queue and this was the first tv series I had wanted to check out. Finishing the first season was easy...the second season, which had more than twenty episodes, took longer.....but I did finish seasons 2 and 3 over the weekend.....yes, that pretty much proves that I'm hooked on the show :). I finished off seasons 4 and 5 during the week and season 6 online....which pretty much brings me up to date on this show so far. The show has an amazing cast and I have to admit after season 2, I started getting tired of Steve Carrell's character, but the other cast members kept it very much alive for me. Jim's pranks on Dwight, the quirky accounting crew (Angela, Oscar, and Kevin), Meredith (I love all her scenes where she shows off skin), Creed's spaced-out antics, ....there's a lot to enjoy. The guest spots have been great as well, but my favorite would have to be the casting of Amy Ryan. She does that lovable quirkiness really well.

Monday, October 05, 2009

Season's done

Season's over, thoughts about the roster and next season's efforts?  In general, I think I share the same sentiment everyone has pretty much said lately...that an impact hitter is what the Giants need to focus on for next season. And pretty much is it. The pitching rotation and bullpen has more than enough depth and prospects from the minors. As for the field, my fantasy roster would be:
  • C - Posey/Molina/Whiteside (this, of course, assumes that Molina is offered perhaps a 2-year deal but with less playing time and more mentoring purpose for Posey); Whiteside has proven to be a good backup and may even flourish with more playing time.
  • 1B - this is where a potential impact hitter can be drafted. But if none is acquired, I wouldn't mind sticking with Garko and Ishikawa (plus Sandoval, when he's not on 3B)
  • SS - Sanchez/Renteria/Velez
  • 2B - Uribe/Renteria
  • 3B - Sandoval/Rholinger (I'd like to see Rholinger make the team...I think he has potential)
  • Outfield - Torres/Rowand/Schierholtz as primary with Velez (and perhaps Lewis) for depth
  • Rotation - Lincecum/Zito/Cain/Sanchez/Penny - this assumes Penny re-signs with SF; wouldn't this be a nice R/L combo?
  • Bullpen (relief/long relief) - Affeldt, Runzler, Romo, Medders
  • Bullpen (closer) - Brian Wilson
You can't keep everybody...if I had to...either in trade or other decision.......Valdez (Merkin), Lewis, Ishikawa or Garko (if the right deal comes along for 1B).

Comback wish: Noah Lowry.

Friday, October 02, 2009

So long, Ross...

Today was Ross McGowan's last day on KTVU and I just wanted to say goodbye.....again.....I actually did send him an email though the station's website (and lo and behold he replied!) and I'll say it again....Ross was one of the reasons I enjoyed watching Mornings on 2. He had a warm voice and was very smart on interviews. He also had a great sense of humor that worked really well with Tori, Frank (now on the evening news), and Sal. Come visit sometimes, Ross. We miss ya already.

Thanks Richie!

Just getting Rich Aurilia back with the team this year was one of the bright spots for me, personally. Having known him since I first caught on with the Giants, he's like an old friend coming for a visit. He was great to have in the clubhouse and he made his contributions on the field whenever he got the chance. I hope he can come back with the same opportunities JT Snow had....Richie interviews well and may be a better broadcasting choice than JT (JT....I think you're better as a coach on the field). In the meantime, thanks and farewell for now, Richie!