Sunday, July 15, 2012


With all the tension watching episodes of Fringe, Eureka is a really nice alternative....or decompression.... I've slowed down my catch-up now that I'm on season 4 (knowing I have only 2 seasons left). I've enjoyed watching Joe Morton ever since he was Miles Dyson in Terminator 2! It's a wonderful cast and the comedy works. I just wish they had been given more seasons, but a good 5 seasons isn't too bad.

Wednesday, April 04, 2012

Click and Clack Retiring

It's a sad thought not having Car Talk anymore on Saturdays. But I'm sure we all knew the day would come...that the brothers finally call it quits and retire. I guess somewhere in the back of my mind I wished the stayed on the air to their last dying breath...but thats a selfish thought and I'm glad they've decided to enjoy life in their own terms...which in this case is outside of the show. Thanks for the great shows guys! Enjoy retirement!

Flying Wild Alaska

The last frontier of Alaska. With such vast wilderness and spaces, flying by plane is the best or only way to go. That's where the bush pilots come in. Watching the Tweeto family run Era Alaska is equally entertaining as watching the McBryan family run Buffalo Airways (another show, Ice Pilots, that I've also grown fond of). These are hard-working people and the commitment they bring to the business is admirable. While Jim Tweeto and Buffalo Joe are opposites when it comes to general demeanor, they both are hands-on owners and true examples of blue collar leadership.

Sunday, April 01, 2012

Revenge of the Electric Car

"Who killed the electric car?" was well made and I remember watching it and getting reallly affected when GM started retrieving the EV-1's from their owners. In "Revenge of the electric car", that comes back when GM delivers a Chevy Volt to Danny DeVito. When he cautiously asked if the car wouldn't get taken back like the EV-1, that sent a chill up my spine.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Resident Evil: Afterlife

I enjoy the series but this one just turns off as soon as it begins. Not a lot of originality...too much of what had already been done in the Matrix and a lot of holes...surviving the plane crash after she is finally switched back to human (minus T-cells)...going through flooded floors and then going out through the ducts (why not use that route in the first place?). It was nice to see Claire Redfield though.....

Friday, January 27, 2012

Big Bang Theory

The cast of Big Bang Theory is a great team. Sheldon can be really funny but there are times when he is just flat out annoying but having Leonard, Penny, Howard, and Raj make it all well. Add Amy and Bernadette and it's a wonderful mix of characters. Aaaaannd....Christine Baranski as Leonard's mom (please more episodes with her :) ).

Law and Order: SVU

I've always watched L&O in passing, but never semi-religously, until I saw Diane Neal do guest appearances in NCIS. I liked her character there and wouldn't mind having her as a regular, but that lead me to watch more of her at L&O:SVU, and I'm pretty much hooked. Syndication is great ;).