Tuesday, April 29, 2008

The Anointed One

I was anointed by the pagan goddess :)

One of the things I miss about San Francisco is that it's a major stop for artists. When I heard that Goldfrapp was doing a show at the Warfield, my heart sank. It wasn't until the last week or so when circumstances turned in my favor and I found myself back in SFO just in time to watch a cold-infected Alison courageously sing, among other tracks, Utopia. I was one happy camper :).

QnA from SFGate

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Take Notice

In one of my email exchanges to a former co-worker, I got the sad news that she had a diminished interest in the Giants this year and I found myself trying to sell the excitement of the new crew, one highlight of which is how refreshing defense from left field now looks like with Fred Lewis. He again showed this last night when made a perfect relay to throw out Josh Bard from second base. Like I've been saying lately to quite a number of folks, you just have to give this crew a chance. Emmanuel Burris is one of the new additions to the next generation, and he delivered.

Let's not end this entry with all glowing praise to the young guys. Last night's rally, after all, would not have been possible if that old, slow, guy named Bengie Molina hadn't hit a monster homerun off of Trevor Hoffman. Yes, it still pays to have veterans mixed with the kids, because experience is still a valuable commodity, and Bengie's got a lot of it......and a lotta Heart....ya need to impart that trait to the kids as well.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Congrats, Danica!

Danica Patrick's patience and hard work has finally culminated in a win! It's no secret that everyone has been tagging her as a Kournikova-in-the-making, but she really isn't given enough credit and she's no slouch in the racetrack. I'm glad that this win finally helps give her a bit more respect. I'm sure this will magnify her stardom significantly, but moreover, this is a great day for loyal fans. When I last saw her at Infeneon Raceway in Sonoma, her fans cheered her every pass around the track. Her fans in Japan must have been screaming with joy. Cheers, guys!

Friday, April 11, 2008

Wins and Losses

Confidence continues to grow with the new Giants crew. A great balance of youth (Lewis, Castillo, Wilson), seasoned guys (Taschner, Correia, Rowand), and veterans (Molina, Aurilia) came alive last night and I was very satisfied with the win. Sadly, this came in the same evening the Warriors lost to Denver and now fall a game behind in the playoff race. Not that it eliminates them completely....but that would have been a great moral boost.

Not that I'm a big hockey fan, but the Sharks won over Calgary in the NHL playoffs last night.

Is there a loss to balance this one? Hmmm.....how are our football teams rebuilding this off season?

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Congrats, Frank!

I think the choice to have Frank Somerville replace Dennis Richmond in the 10 O'Clock news is a great choice. Being a big fan of Mornings on 2, I've always enjoyed Frank's light approach to delivering the news (and how we can easily switch to a serious tone when the news calls for it). Him paired with Ross and Tori make a great team......and that probably leads-in to a bit of sadness for me, as this will most likely split him from that crew (I mean he can't do both morning and evening shifts for sure.......or can he???....nah :) ) I still do my best to catch KTVU here in the Seattle area every chance I get (thanks to my brother's slingbox :) ) and now I'll have more to look forward to for the evening broadcasts. I'll always remember Frank for one of the station's anniversaries when they showed how Frank proposed to his wife (who was a producer or director I think at the time)......it was one of those great moments in local TV.....the camera suddenly turning to her...and there was Frank proposing on the air :)

Anyway, I'm glad you're still at KTVU, Frank, and congratulations on the new evening anchor position!

So who subs for Frank on Mornings on 2 now? (Willie Brown? :) )......just kidding!.....or ammm I???


They'll ramp up soon enough

I've been guilty of impatience myself. But I always find a way to reason with my stubborn side to remember that these guys are fresh and they will make mistakes....they will discover major league play on the job.....they will even mess up routine plays at times. But they will get the hang of it soon enough and the talent that got them here will be revealed.

I was really happy for Daniel Ortmeier last night. My brother was witness to my constant ranting on him during spring training and I think Bochy's (and Lansford's) decision to keep him batting from the right side only has paid off. Personally, I'm just glad he's persevered as much and hope he continues to do so as the long season ahead will definitely test him.

Congratulations also to Jonathan Sanchez and the bullpen, who picked up each other.

A big WOOHOO for Fred Lewis' double play at the plate! I'm sure a lot of folks have to start getting used to outstanding defense from left field now that we've got him patrolling that area :).

Thursday, April 03, 2008

First Win of the Season

Finally, one for the win column :) It's been rather depressing the past two games (especially Matt Cain's gem of performance that went unrewarded) so to finally get last night's win (a game-ending double play) is a boost for this crew. It's become apparent, however, that it truly is time to give all the new guys more playing time. They're hungrier, stronger, and it's really refreshing to see new players, especially the ones that are doing well.

Eugenio Velez is as potent as he was in spring training. Jose Castillo came out of nowhere and is a pleasant surprise (he reminds me of Deivi Cruz for some reason). I'm hoping to see more of Fred Lewis and Brian Bocock, and hopefully more of Steve Holm. And Merkin Valdez....wow! He really has rebounded after TJ surgery (also Tyler Walker). But let's not forget the real winner last night: Tim Lincecum. He not only pitched great, he won the game by getting a hit off of Loaiza and eventually scoring on Randy Winn's sacrifice fly.