Thursday, August 21, 2008

Radiohead's NW Visit

I don't know why but I've never had a desire to see Radiohead live, but since they were in town and I miraculously landed a lawn seating ticket (the show was supposed to be sold out), hey what the heck! The weather wasn't particularly cooperative but it did clear up before the show started (and didn't drizzle again 'till around the encore).

I don't think I've ever seen a band command so much respect from its audience. A lot of the tracks were subdued and stripped down and so had a lot of either silent or soft sections. During these sections, the crowd was dead silent. Sure, you'll hear a little scream here or there, but its not like a scream inside a subway station.....its like a scream inside a church!

Thom's voice is unique and I don't think I ever fully appreciated it until this live experience. Hearing him perform "there there" and "videotape" sent chills up my spine (and no, it wasn't the weather!)

Friday, August 15, 2008

Shawn and Nastia

It can get really tense watching gymnastics simply because you don't want someone to miss the bar, fall off the beam, or get hurt. But when the moves are done right, its a magnificent sight. Shawn Johnson and Nastia Luikin are a contrast of sorts....Shawn is short and powerful and Nastia is thin and elegant. If I were to follow what the NBC broadcasters were saying, it appeared that they were both not given as much due by the judges...but held their own and in the end performed so well any lesser scores would have been a clear injustice in front of the world. Congratulations both for finishing Gold and Silver, as you both had hoped it to end.

Friday, August 08, 2008

Welcome Back Vinnie!

It's been a great week and I am finally able to settle down and dedicate this entry to the return of Vinnie to KLLC of San Francisco, reviving once again the Sarah & Vinnie Morning Program. I do feel a personal bond with this show because I was there in the very beginning when they switched on from an all music format. Listening to the show was a great way to start the morning. When Vinnie left (or was fired) I can't say that I was upset, but I certainly stopped listening to radio and the switch to Sarah and NoName only made it worse. Plain and simple, in the voiceover words of Morgan Freeman's Red (from Shawshank Redemption): "I just miss my friend."

Anyway....enough sappy banter. It's great to see Vinnie back and I really like what Vinnie said when he mentioned hoping this return to the bay area would be his last move.

I sure hope so, good buddy. Catch you later...on streaming net. And hopefully one day when I make my own return to the bay area, I hope to turn on the radio in the morning and start the day right.