Saturday, November 14, 2009

Pacman continues to roll

The Pacman continues to power's beginning to scare me each time he takes on an opponent and I think its because it's becoming more and more inconceivable to see him lose. It took twelve rounds for him to finally put Cotto away but Manny appears really solid. 'Hope Cotto is ok...he really took a beating.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

This program is brought to you by the letter S

Congratulations to Sesame Street on it's 40th anniversary! I always say I grew up on Sesame Street and owe a lot of learning (and humor) from the program. I still have great memories of Cookie Monster singing "C is for Cookie", the Count's laugh, Ernie's pranks at Bert (no, I never thought they were gay....when you're a kid you just don't see things that way), Big Bird and Snuffalufacus (spell that right?)......and of course, the real folks...Maria, Bob, Mr. Hooper, Gordon. Like the old Star Trek crew, I'm very much partial to the original muppets (not fond of Elmo, sorry). Anyway, congratulations to the Street!

Monday, October 12, 2009

The Office

After I got my Roku player from Netflix I started loading up my streaming queue and this was the first tv series I had wanted to check out. Finishing the first season was easy...the second season, which had more than twenty episodes, took longer.....but I did finish seasons 2 and 3 over the weekend.....yes, that pretty much proves that I'm hooked on the show :). I finished off seasons 4 and 5 during the week and season 6 online....which pretty much brings me up to date on this show so far. The show has an amazing cast and I have to admit after season 2, I started getting tired of Steve Carrell's character, but the other cast members kept it very much alive for me. Jim's pranks on Dwight, the quirky accounting crew (Angela, Oscar, and Kevin), Meredith (I love all her scenes where she shows off skin), Creed's spaced-out antics, ....there's a lot to enjoy. The guest spots have been great as well, but my favorite would have to be the casting of Amy Ryan. She does that lovable quirkiness really well.

Monday, October 05, 2009

Season's done

Season's over, thoughts about the roster and next season's efforts?  In general, I think I share the same sentiment everyone has pretty much said lately...that an impact hitter is what the Giants need to focus on for next season. And pretty much is it. The pitching rotation and bullpen has more than enough depth and prospects from the minors. As for the field, my fantasy roster would be:
  • C - Posey/Molina/Whiteside (this, of course, assumes that Molina is offered perhaps a 2-year deal but with less playing time and more mentoring purpose for Posey); Whiteside has proven to be a good backup and may even flourish with more playing time.
  • 1B - this is where a potential impact hitter can be drafted. But if none is acquired, I wouldn't mind sticking with Garko and Ishikawa (plus Sandoval, when he's not on 3B)
  • SS - Sanchez/Renteria/Velez
  • 2B - Uribe/Renteria
  • 3B - Sandoval/Rholinger (I'd like to see Rholinger make the team...I think he has potential)
  • Outfield - Torres/Rowand/Schierholtz as primary with Velez (and perhaps Lewis) for depth
  • Rotation - Lincecum/Zito/Cain/Sanchez/Penny - this assumes Penny re-signs with SF; wouldn't this be a nice R/L combo?
  • Bullpen (relief/long relief) - Affeldt, Runzler, Romo, Medders
  • Bullpen (closer) - Brian Wilson
You can't keep everybody...if I had to...either in trade or other decision.......Valdez (Merkin), Lewis, Ishikawa or Garko (if the right deal comes along for 1B).

Comback wish: Noah Lowry.

Friday, October 02, 2009

So long, Ross...

Today was Ross McGowan's last day on KTVU and I just wanted to say goodbye.....again.....I actually did send him an email though the station's website (and lo and behold he replied!) and I'll say it again....Ross was one of the reasons I enjoyed watching Mornings on 2. He had a warm voice and was very smart on interviews. He also had a great sense of humor that worked really well with Tori, Frank (now on the evening news), and Sal. Come visit sometimes, Ross. We miss ya already.

Thanks Richie!

Just getting Rich Aurilia back with the team this year was one of the bright spots for me, personally. Having known him since I first caught on with the Giants, he's like an old friend coming for a visit. He was great to have in the clubhouse and he made his contributions on the field whenever he got the chance. I hope he can come back with the same opportunities JT Snow had....Richie interviews well and may be a better broadcasting choice than JT (JT....I think you're better as a coach on the field). In the meantime, thanks and farewell for now, Richie!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

the state of

This weekend marks the release of Days of Abandon, the-state-of's new album. I've been listening to them for some time now and really admire the dynamic between Steph Taylor's piano/lyrics and Nabedi Osorio's drum work. Right now they've been drawing from covers and Steph's material, particularly the Between Ground and Sky album, which itself has great tracks ("Collide", "Helmet and Sword", "Anything for You", "My Love"). I think the reprise for "My Love" was a very special touch. "Helmet and Sword" is my favorite. 'Looking forward to the new album.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


The dosage entered the started with Landmines....then What Me Worry?....pretty soon I couldn't end my daily trek home without hearing We Put a Pearl on the Ground. Then, like a cigarette habit, I had to at least hear The Apocalypse Song at least once when I'm driving anywhere. I tried to mix in Marry Me for a little kick up. Alas, another dosage is necessary. At first try of the Actor album, it seemed that there was no kick...but then I left the player running...then it suddenly.....sank....and all made sense. The dosage is now again running fine in the bloodstream. The Party is leading the way.....Marrow is not too far behind....The Neighbors, too.......and Black Rainbow, yes......Laughing with a Mouth of Blood, the Marry Me album, Actor is meant to be consumed as a whole. See you on the other side.....maybe.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Diane in Texas

As they continue to play No Country for Old Men on cable, I can't help but continue to admire Kelly MacDonald's performance as Carla in the film. For a Scottish lass, she does that country accent in a really lovable and warm way. She's done a lot of films but my lasting memory of her will always be Diane from Trainspotting ;).

(Carla and Llewelyn on the phone)
Carla: "you're hurt aint cha"
Llewelyn: "how can you tell?"
Carla: "i can hear it in your voice"
Llewelyn: "You meet me in El Paso.....I'm puttin' you an a plane"
Carla: "oh, Llewelyn i can't just leave you in the lurch..."

Friday, September 11, 2009


I've been replaying Ratatouille the past couple of weeks and just can't get enough of Anton Ego's "special moment". It was excellent casting to have Peter O'Toole do it. Jeneane Garofalo also did Collette very well. Had I not checked, I would never have known it was her throwing that French accent (like Kevin Kline....she did refer to his portrayal in French Kiss as a reference).

Sunday, August 30, 2009


Ha! A sweep it is! With a Lincecum-Zito-Cain lineup in the Colorado series, the expectation was to at least win the series....but a sweep? Hell yeah! It makes for an interesting one as well....Sandoval playing injured, rookie Rohlinger giving a solid performance both defensively and offensively, Whiteside filling in for Molina and throwing out four, Wilson keeping the bullpen alive. A tough series is ahead with the Philies....but for now, time to celebrate a bit for a job well done.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

An Actor, a Cat, and some Pretenders

Quite a lineup with Juliette Lewis, Cat Power, and the Pretenders at Marymoor park. It was the first time I'd seen Juliette Lewis perform and she was actually quite entertaining.....kinda chanelling a bit of Janis and Bonnie Tyler. A couple of years back I missed Cat's show....and have been regretting it ever since. Tonight was a bit of redemption....but with a tracklist from her recent covers album (I was hoping for some tracks from The Greatest)......I'm getting some residual punishment still....and Chrisse wasn't exactly in a good mood tonight (i.e. camera flashes was sadly annoying the hell out of her). It was weird night and I found myself silent driving home.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Well you can't win em all....but man that loss last night to the Rockies was brutal. 'Just when you thought a 3 run lead seals just goes south on you. Hang in there, guys....time to bounce back.

Monday, August 24, 2009


If you ever crave for a fix of Morricone, this film will help you out. It's a great "what-if" story that is every bit spaghetti western and revenge as you'd expect from Quentin. Til Schweiger, who I've mostly recognized (in US sure he's big in Germany) as a supporting actor, gets an exposure boost in this film. His persona in this film is action honey ;). The big prize, in my opinion, goes to Melanie Laurent. She's got the thousand yard stare.

Monday, August 17, 2009


Y.E. Yang was very "Tiger-esque" in his PGA win this weekend. He stayed focused and made very precise shots.....pretty much like Tiger....who he beat to win ;). People had been clamoring for some competition......they sure got it.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Uuuuu-ribe!! I hate that I wasn't at the park for this game.....really charged! Lincecum's pitching, Bochy ejected, Wotus ejected, Panda's mad, Renteria madder, benches clear, Velez still hittin....and hittin at the plate, and uuuuuuuu-ribe hitting the walk-off home run in the 10th. Add some garlic fries, polish dog, and beer.....pow!

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Funny People

The reviews are true...this really is a very good film. It exposes a lot of realities not only with comedians but with people in general. What makes it a stroke of genius is that there is a real story that just happens to be presented as a comedy. It can very well be done as a drama, but that's not the Apatow way (I think). Such a great cast with Adam, Seth, Jonah, Jason, and Leslie....and wow, Daisy! (I mean, Aubrey Plaza).

Garko and Sanchez

I like the trade deadline deals Brian Sabean made for the Giants. I heard the rumors about Freddy Sanchez but figured he was a really good and well liked player in Pittsburgh to get traded...but lo and behold Brian got him. I didn't know much about Ryan Garko (was hoping for V-Mart, actually), but the more I watch him the more I like him. His built is like Pete Rose.......and Freddy Sanchez actually looks like a young Craig Biggio!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

I sleepwalk...

...that's why I wear my shoes to sleep." Half Blood Prince is one of the best in the series, and personally for me, every scene with Luna Lovegood is gold :). It's refreshing to see some background characters get more depth in the story...such as Malfoy and Ginny. In this film. it surprisingly makes sense to pair up Ginny with Harry (sorry Cho Chang, I just don't see it). Bonnie Wright has certainly given a great performance in giving Ginny that inner strength and depth (and bewitching ;) ).

All Alan Rickman, good or evil, needs is his voice and delivery (and frown) to win you over. I still miss Richard Harris and wish this was his last film...not to take anything away from Michael Gambon, who has played the role very well.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

There's a Meat Market Down the Street

Playful is how I'd describe Regina Spektor's music. The Calculation and Song of the 80's are in heavy rotation my drive from and to work. I like her playful beat in The Calculation and who could not smile at the sound of synthesizers in Song of the 80's? ok ok....I guess if you grew up in the 80's....otherwise...doesn't it get a giggle out of you? :)

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Sanchez No Hitter!!!

Talk about redemption! Finally, ESPN is spending lots of air time for the Giants.

Good job, Johnny!

Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Vote for Pedro!!

Whoppp!.....a grand slam on the way and with Duane Kuiper making the for Pedro for the all-star game! He's just fun to watch and a real bolt of lightning to the offense. And with a lovable call sign of Panda, doesn't that just put a smile on your face?

Sunday, July 05, 2009

Public Enemies

I like how Michael Mann presented the film in waves of intensity as opposed to the typical build-up approach. You can't miss how beautiful Marion if this era was where she was meant to be.... The sound of Tommy guns showering bullets makes this a must-have for anyone with a good sound system...and of you want more bass, the Browning Automatic Rifles will please you on that end. I do wish there was more done to substantiate the bond between Dillinger and Frechette. As expected, Johnny brings a very unique dimension to his character.

Saturday, July 04, 2009

The Big Sadowski

Holy Cow! I'm really impressed with how the farm system has produced a formidable roster of players. Ryan Sadowski feels like a potential starter (and may push out Jonathan Sanchez). Also great to see Eli Whiteside still in the roster (an added plus that he's caught Sadowski before in Triple-A) and they make a good team. I look forward to seeing more of this tandem.

Monday, June 22, 2009


I'm sure the kids loved the adventure with Doug (and the other talking canines), Russell, and the exotic bird......but for me, personally, all I enjoyed was the side story of Carl and Ellie. I can understand why the film couldn't stay focused on them......I mean, it's a Disney film.....hmmm, am wishing Pixar never sold out to them. It would be interesting to see Pixar do animation for an older demographic.....but maybe this opens the door for other production companies.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

The team so far...

The team appears to be getting in a rythm and that's good news.
  • The starting pitching is holding strong (good to see Zito getting consistent and more confident).
  • The bullpen has also toughened up (Romo and Affeldt have held up well).
  • Schierholtz is being rewarded for making good contact (and sadly Lewis has gone back in a slump)
  • The pickup of Uribe is paying dividends.
  • Burriss is consistent and clearly the better choice than Frandsen.
  • Torres is an excellent utility right now. Whiteside shows promise as well.
  • Sandoval is....well....the Panda! (....and Bengie is.....the Big Panda!)

Hermione no more

I'm not into fashion really, but seeing Emma be the new face of Burberry.....she's absolutely stunning.

Saturday, June 06, 2009

Randy's 300th

Watching Randy dive and throw to first like that.....not bad for a 45-year old, huh? Congrats on reaching 300, man!

Sunday, May 31, 2009

See Ball Hit Ball

He really is a kungfu panda, ya know ;). His power at the bat is expected. But athleticism is quite a surprise. Playing third base really shows it. Today's game was fun to watch because it also continues to show that Lewis has turned a corner with his stroke. Personally, I enjoyed watching Rich Aurilia hit a whopper (his first HR this year).

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Jay's last Tonight Show

You could already hear in Jay's voice the sadness and a little fight to hold back tears. It's been a great run (and he's not exactly going anyway with that 10pm spot going for him in September). But despite the fact that he's still entertaining to watch, this move may be a good thing for him. I've always liked Conan and I'm actually really excited for him. And I do hope he doesn't change anything from what has made him a success in late night. Keep pulling those imaginary strings, Conan!

Sunday, May 17, 2009


I'm about two weeks listening to A Camp's Colonia album and have grown really fond of "The Crowning", "Golden Teeth and Silver Medals", and "Chinatown". I really like Nina Persson's voice and the "old pop" sound works really well.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Must get ball

It's admirable how Rowand throws his body there in the outfield. In Sunday's game, he preserved an out twice. With his body type built with more bulk it's probably strong enough to take the landing, but still a high cost. When you watch baseball there are always moments when the ball lands in front of a player and you wonder why the player didn't dive for the ball. There are reasons for it, of course, but in Rowand's case, it's hard to question know he would dive for the ball if he has to....

Sunday, May 03, 2009

Aurilia wins it in the 10th

The new guys are great, but I'm glad we still have the veterans. It was sad when JT Snow left (and I'm glad to say I was there when he came back for one game to retire as a Giant), but Rich Aurilia has helped keep a nice memory of the past on the team. I can't believe I've been following this team for more about 7-8 years. Aurilia was one of the first and most familiar faces I got introduced to back then.

Monday, April 27, 2009

BB in the Booth

It was nice surprise to see Barry in the booth in today's game. Just listening to him talk to Kruk and Kuip about baseball was very entertaining. They should think about having him come in more often. Too bad he had to move over to the radio booth (with John Miller and Dave Fleming). Good to see ya, BB.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Pitch streak

Giants pitching has been solid for at least the past 4 starts! Looks like Lincecum has snapped back, Cain finally got good run support, Randy Johnson was in the zone, and Barry Zito was on a mission! Good work guys! The bullpen has been very effective, as well. Jeremy Affeldt is a great addition.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

See you later space cowboy...

It's been months since I bought a used copy of the first eposide and I've been hooked ever since. I've seen all 26 episodes of Cowboy Bebop by now of course.....and I wouldn't debate one bit why a lot of people rank it so high in thier all-time lists for anime. The characters, the storylines, the soundtrack.....excellent work. I'm glad these all got done before the proliferation of computer-based animation. I'm a little worried about the live action film that's in production. Will it do this masterpiece justice?

St Vincent

I had only heard bits of her music in a radio feature, but it was enough to be curious about Annie Clark's music. Coincidentally, I had been browsing through the local library's music collection when I happened to find her Marry Me album, so I borrowed it. I love "Landmines", but "What Me Worry" is my favorite in the album. She playfully channels Ella Fitzgerald in her own way.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Griffey's Return

Griffey's return last night was a monster festival. I haven't earned yet enough time here to be a "local" but I can tell you the feeling this city has for can't miss it.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Seattle PI Goes Down

Today I got my last copy of the Seattle Post Intelligencer. I've enjoyed reading this paper and have grown fond of it as much as I did the San Francisco Chronicle. There is still a lot of tactile pleasure to be had with a traditional newspaper, but I guess I'm just old fashioned. The PI is still around on the web. Perhaps someday it will be in print again.

Monday, January 12, 2009

The Wrestler

I see a little bit of the struggle that Darren Aronofsky probably had adapting his style to this story that mostly follows aging wrestler Randy "the Ram" Robinson and it was evident for me when it came to that tear-jerker scene when the Ram spills his guts to his daughter Stephanie. A scene that I think deserved a flow to have allowed it to build up to the moment. Mickey Rourke's performance was really powerful and even when you've seen the trailer and know exactly what he's going to say, there's a lot of sting in watching him say how broken he is and what he deserves. Exposing the real side of wrestiling though through the scripted acts and brotherhood was a good touch and Marisa Tomei's turn as an aging stripper shouldn't go unnoticed. While this film has a lot of traits to claim awards, I think it could have been better.

Thursday, January 08, 2009

Stacey's Closing

Sad to see another "Non-Borders-Barnes" closing. I loved coming to this place when I was working in San Francisco. If there was any book that was hard to find or only available online, Stacey's might just have it in one of its shelves. It's location in downtown's financial district also made it an easy walk-by after work.