Wednesday, September 16, 2009


The dosage entered the started with Landmines....then What Me Worry?....pretty soon I couldn't end my daily trek home without hearing We Put a Pearl on the Ground. Then, like a cigarette habit, I had to at least hear The Apocalypse Song at least once when I'm driving anywhere. I tried to mix in Marry Me for a little kick up. Alas, another dosage is necessary. At first try of the Actor album, it seemed that there was no kick...but then I left the player running...then it suddenly.....sank....and all made sense. The dosage is now again running fine in the bloodstream. The Party is leading the way.....Marrow is not too far behind....The Neighbors, too.......and Black Rainbow, yes......Laughing with a Mouth of Blood, the Marry Me album, Actor is meant to be consumed as a whole. See you on the other side.....maybe.

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