Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Diane in Texas

As they continue to play No Country for Old Men on cable, I can't help but continue to admire Kelly MacDonald's performance as Carla in the film. For a Scottish lass, she does that country accent in a really lovable and warm way. She's done a lot of films but my lasting memory of her will always be Diane from Trainspotting ;).

(Carla and Llewelyn on the phone)
Carla: "you're hurt aint cha"
Llewelyn: "how can you tell?"
Carla: "i can hear it in your voice"
Llewelyn: "You meet me in El Paso.....I'm puttin' you an a plane"
Carla: "oh, Llewelyn i can't just leave you in the lurch..."

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