Monday, June 30, 2008


It was just one of those hot days when the thought of sitting in a cool dark place was too good to pass up. I was a little skeptical and felt that this may be that chink in the armor for Pixar...but alas I was proven wrong (and happily so).

Thursday, June 26, 2008

They love ya, man! They really love ya!

It was heartwarming to see how well received Omar was in his first return to Cleveland after joining the Giants in 2004. There are just so many positives you can say about Vizquel as a person and as a player. He's remembered the most, however, for defense, and in the video tribute they played in his honor, that was the clear highlight. But he also does the little that squeeze bunt that won the game that day :).

Monday, June 16, 2008

Push! Push!

I don't think I've ever watched a golf program as long as I did on Sunday. And it simply was because Tiger wasn't blowing everyone away.....he was clawing his way back each time (talk about a handicap, huh?......with that knee, i mean, ah you get what i mean). And Rocco was just playing it cool and that was terrific. Come Monday it really didn't matter who could have won. This whole saga, beginning all the way back from Friday, was one great hell of a show. And Rocco deserves as much credit for keeping pace on all levels. On his way to receive his trophy, Tiger met with his wife Erin and daughter, Sam Alexis, and as he tried to hand over Sam back to Erin, she reached out back to him. Tiger's instant reaction was to get her back. at least for a little while longer. Surely, this was a warm moment for him as a father.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Battlestar Galactica

I've heard from a lot of people: "the new Battlestar Galactica is reaaallly good." So when I was browsing through used dvds at my local Half-Price Books, I grabbed what I think was Disc 1 (the long pilot/miniseries). Well, what can I say? Minus some of the weird horniness, I'd say it really is good stuff.

It's a great story, that of low-tech being the saving grace in what had become a too tech-savy world (is this a message for us folks in these times?.....maybe....)

Edward James Olmos and Mary McDonnell really fit the characters they play. I'm pleased to see their more complex rivalry compared to having just plain mudslinging between military and political factions.

Anyway, I'm just on disc 1 so who knows how this will all unfold. I just bumped up disc 2 on my Netflix Queue.


I was doing laps around the channels and made a pit stop every now and then at the NBA finals, just to see how Boston and LA were doing. After the 2nd quarter and with LA leading by close to 20, I started skipping it. I thought to myself that while Boston loaded itself with power players, it just wasn't ready yet as a team, and maybe Doc Rivers was still trying to figure out how to mix this mean cocktail :).

But alas, the Celtics bounced back and won it. They focused on tight defense, used bench players efficiently, switched players around...was that teamwork? From the outside it looked like Doc just finally found the right combination and strategy. But reading more about it on the net and the papers this morning, I did notice that hidden element that worked behind the scenes. They stopped looking at the score and players expressed the desire to be accountable. Yeah, I think there was a team in that scene.

On the other side of the court, maybe they should try something else. I'll admit it now, I really don't like Kobe. And if he's been playing it like "I'll let you kids try it yourselves first and then I''ll jump in and show you I can win this game all by myself", well......good luck to ya, man.