Monday, June 16, 2008

Push! Push!

I don't think I've ever watched a golf program as long as I did on Sunday. And it simply was because Tiger wasn't blowing everyone away.....he was clawing his way back each time (talk about a handicap, huh?......with that knee, i mean, ah you get what i mean). And Rocco was just playing it cool and that was terrific. Come Monday it really didn't matter who could have won. This whole saga, beginning all the way back from Friday, was one great hell of a show. And Rocco deserves as much credit for keeping pace on all levels. On his way to receive his trophy, Tiger met with his wife Erin and daughter, Sam Alexis, and as he tried to hand over Sam back to Erin, she reached out back to him. Tiger's instant reaction was to get her back. at least for a little while longer. Surely, this was a warm moment for him as a father.

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