Friday, June 13, 2008

Battlestar Galactica

I've heard from a lot of people: "the new Battlestar Galactica is reaaallly good." So when I was browsing through used dvds at my local Half-Price Books, I grabbed what I think was Disc 1 (the long pilot/miniseries). Well, what can I say? Minus some of the weird horniness, I'd say it really is good stuff.

It's a great story, that of low-tech being the saving grace in what had become a too tech-savy world (is this a message for us folks in these times?.....maybe....)

Edward James Olmos and Mary McDonnell really fit the characters they play. I'm pleased to see their more complex rivalry compared to having just plain mudslinging between military and political factions.

Anyway, I'm just on disc 1 so who knows how this will all unfold. I just bumped up disc 2 on my Netflix Queue.

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