Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Squeek to a win

Last night's win wasn't pretty, and writers probably use it to summarize how the team's been this year. Still, I think the team's fine. They can go a similar route like the Rockies. Remember that this is the first year for most of the new players. It's a year of absorption. I look forward to next year when they will truly shine. Does that mean this season's done? Heck no. There's still a lot of games left and at rate the rookies are learning who knows how far this thing can go. I like how they've managed the rookies so far...show you can play at a high level and be consistent, and you stay. Stray some, you go down and work on it. Maybe we'll call you back. This pretty much is filtering the rookie corps and the way it stands right now it looks like Lewis and Bowker have shown staying power.

It was bittersweet seeing Mark Sweeney last night. I really liked him and wished the Giants kept him the roster (and last night's pinch hit says a lot).

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