Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Mos Eisley Cantina

Looking at the exterior of the Mos Eisley Cantina, few would suspect the bizarre and dangerous array of aliens seeking shade, business and refreshment within. Upon first entering the establishment, a patron steps into a darkened alcove. The period in which that patron's eyes adjust from the blazing desert sunlight to the dank interior gives the bar just enough time to check out the new arrival.

A few steps down into the main room, one finds a scattering of booths and free-standing tables. An all-alien band plays a lively tune in the corner, and a gruff bartender slings exotic concoctions from behind a rounded bar.

Most of the best freighter pilots visiting Tatooine can be found here. Deals of all kinds are made in the shadows -- most of them dangerous and nowhere near legal. Just about anything goes in this place, save for two standing conditions: droids are not allowed inside, and if you've got a dispute, leave blasters out of it.

Prior to his departure from Tatooine, Luke Skywalker got a first look at just what a life among the stars could promise. The fresh-faced farmboy had never seen so many aliens in one place, and the rough-and-tumble crowd could sense an easy target. Two thugs tried to pick a fight with the youth, but Obi-Wan Kenobi intervened, dispatching the brutes with a quick swing of his lightsaber.

It was here that Skywalker and Kenobi hired the services of Han Solo and Chewbacca. The smuggling duo were responsible for transporting the last of the Jedi Knights and the first of the new off the desert planet and into a galaxy of adventure.

(from starwars.com)

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