Sunday, November 25, 2007

No Country for Old Men

I just have to start this entry with a question: was that a silenced shotgun? Damn! It was amusing to watch Javier Bardem's character....very inventive (with that pressure tank.....thingee :)) and also very cold.

Tommy Lee Jones played the reluctant Sheriff, and somewhat of a muted role.....not sure but his contribution to the story could have been done differently.....not more, just differently.

I can see why people applaud Josh Brolin's performance in this film. He was convincing and consistent.

Stranger than Fiction

This movie had a unique concept and was well directed. Will Ferrell was perfectly cast and he slided into character really well. I didn't even have any flashbacks of his comedic characters (which I always do with Jim Carrey) so I think he was able to crossover really well in this role.

Who better to be the neurotic writer than Emma Thompson? I think her Harry Potter stint helped a bit, too :). And Queen Latifah as the assistant....nice touch.....someone must have seen her in The Bone Collector.

Anyway, back to this unique concept. Have you ever had these moments where you wished you could talk directly to God and ask him questions? Well, reverse and twist that a bit.......what if you were a writer and one of your characters suddenly comes up to you? Underneath the story also are some fundamental messages about life.....don't take things for granted, live know where I'm getting at....

The Contract, Fracture, 300, and Demonlover

The Thanksgiving holiday this year gave me a lot of time to catch up on some unwatched DVDs. I would like to start with Demonlover as it is my favorite from this lot. It's a really twisted story about underground pornography and masochism. The undercurrent of cutthroat competition in the corporate world was a good start, and once everything got out of hand the story really got twisted. The exchanges between Connie Nielsen and Chloe Sevigny carried much of the tension in this movie.

The Contract is a turn for Morgan Freeman being the villain this time. It felt uneasy and I don't know if I've just typecast Morgan or maybe this was just not the right vehicle for him to make the turn. In Fracture, Anthony Hopkins is in familiar territory being the calculated killer...he overdid the character a bit....but not to the point of ruining it.

I didn't even know why I got 300.....but I think it was to satisfy my curiousity. The scene and audio clips of "Spartans prepare for glory...." has been so overexposed that I dreaded hearing it. The digital effects was magnificent, but I just could not generate any excitement to finish it in one sitting. I guess my past overexposure to Braveheart still makes me unable to look at anything even remotely close.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Silent Giants?

Could this be the beginning of a new generation of athletes?....competitive, disciplined, mild-mannered, humble? With Lorena Ochoa and Roger Federrer making the surge in both golf and tennis, I guess it's about that time for the cycle to introduce a change. Not that we'll ignore the likes of Tiger Woods or Rafael Nadal anytime soon, of course.

Friday, November 02, 2007

Giants wishlist and random notes

2008 Wishlist
  1. Re-sign Omar Vizquel at shortstop. He may be in his 40s, but he is still in great shape and has shown how he can use experience and smarts to continue to play the position competitively. He's a great presence in the clubhouse for the young players.
  2. Try to sign Torii Hunter for the outfield and Mike Lowell for third base. Otherwise, stick with our young players.
  3. Play the young core players.
  4. Keep pitching intact as much as possible. This was one of the few shining points last year.
  5. Don't sign back Bonds.....unless he accepts a utility role with less money....and perhaps a future with the organization as a consultant. He could help players as a hitting instructor.

Random Notes

  • A-Rod: His agent is Scott Boras and if I what I read in the papers is true, he's seeking for another 10-year $300 million for his client. That would obliterate the Giants' future for the franchise.
  • Utility players: Rich Aurilia and Mark Sweeney.....wouldn't mind having them back.
  • Trading block: Ray Durham (just think we need to give his playing time to the younger players), Brad Hennessey (I think, for the good of his career, he needs to be with a team that can use him in one role consistently)

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Rockies Rule!

I just wanted to take this time to congratulate the Rockies for making it to the World Series.....but more so.....applause to Todd Helton, who really showed his emotions during the last out of the game against Arizona.

It's a stance worth remembering. I think Todd has been the face of the franchise, the last remaining player that has been through all these losing years. He was immediately approached by a broadcaster once the game was final, and in true honesty, Todd was speechless and close to tears. That just shows you how much this has meant to him.

And to the whole team, it was really one hell of a run, sweeping both teams in each round....that is quite a testament to the players.

And lastly, to fellow ex-Giants Yorvit Torrealba and Matt Herges, congratulations guys....happy for ya!

Monday, September 03, 2007

The Bourne Ultimatum

A word of advice: if you watch this movie, make sure you watch from afar :) A great majority of the movie was shot handheld (or it looks that way) so if you get a seat that's really close to the screen you're bound to have strained eyes. It does feel like another one is coming....I don't think he really found out how he is related to Julia Stiles' character. There are still a lot of "blackbriar" agents out there (and any one of them can go rogue at any time).

Monday, August 27, 2007

The Human Stain

The flaw in this film I think is the selection of Nicole Kidman......not that she gives a bad's just hard to believe. She can mess up her hair and wear ragged clothes to make her suit the Janitress job (actually it works the other way for me.....she's much more beautiful ;) ).

Watching Anthony Hopkins' character's past.....about his race, reminded me of this speech that Matthew McConaughey (as an attorney) presented to a jury.....that you imagine a heinous crime being commited to someone you care about, think about it its painful entirety......and then substite that someone with a person of color. What reaction do you get?

Young Adam

I don't know what really draws me to Tilda Swinton. Is it that really cold stare from her eyes, the tired face, or perhaps that scary feistiness hidden beneath that frail form? She and Emily Mortimer deliver really bold performances in this film....and you match that with Ewan McGregor and you get quite a dynamic. Life in a barge was the other bit if amusement in the story.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Polly Paulusma

Fingers and Thumbs is a wonderful album. It's melodies are accessible and you can really play the whole record over and over. There are no surprises and the format is very familiar, but Polly's lyrics are what makes her special.

the woods

the summer sun plays on the ground
i feel it in my leaves
the sap is rising up my veins
there's pllen on the breeze

i saw it all crystal clear
i know who brought those children here

the badgers tried to keep them warm
the foxes gave them milk
woodpeckers tried to hammer a home
the spiders spun them silk

i saw it all crystal clear
i know who brought those children here

no path out marked out with round white stones
no guardian angel to lead them home
find them quick
research before they disappear

the bracken folds down into mulch
the mushroom sprouts and spore
the berries swell and ripe, now burst
to carpet my forest floor

i saw it all crystal clear
i know who brought those children here

lost and lonely, here all is still
if you don't take them the earth surely will
find them quick
research before they disappear

the winter wind howls through my arms
my brooks begin to freeze
my secrets now lie blanketed
beneath the moldering leaves

i saw it all crystal clear
i know who brought those children here

Friday, August 10, 2007

So long Mark...

Mark Sweeney was a class act.....great presence in the clubhouse, supportive teammate, and excellent pinch hitter. It was really sad to hear that he was traded (and of all places.....the Dodgers). So long, Mark.....good luck to ya.

Monday, August 06, 2007

Nickel Creek and Fiona Apple

I had a feeling it would be quite a while before a new Fiona Apple record comes out (if at all) when I heard Fiona was joining Nickel Creek's tour, I jumped at the chance to try and travel to one of the venues.....and it just happened to be the one in Charlotte's Ovens Auditorium.

I have to admit that I am still new to Nickel Creek.....having only seen them with Fiona at southern California's Largo (and Fi's EM dvd-dualdisc).....I do have their breakthrough album (This Side) and am growing really fond of it....which really isn't much of a stretch for me as their music is very close to Alison Krauss & Union Station.

When they finally did introduce Fi, I wondered how her songs would turn out. Extraordinary Machine and Paper Bag came out really well and as expected (they've performed them at Largo)....but Criminal and Limp came as reall surprises for me......and made me reach a discovery that these songs had a southern take....or was is just the bluegrass getting to me :) ?

Having seen them in Fi's dvd, I was wishing for Tonight You Belong to Me......and wouldn't you know was the last song of the evening :)

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Corpse Bride

Don't you think Helena Bonham Carter is really a corpse bride and Tim Burton really a.....Victor? :) I really loved this movie and the conflict between the two brides was not an easy one at all....I mean I was thinking it would have been better for Victor to not make a choice...but alas the story unraveled....and broke my heart to a degree.

Stop motion animation is a dying art. I hope it never passes away.

Winter Passing

One day, you'll be cool...
:) that was my last memory of Zooey Deschanel. In this movie, she takes a darker turn. Ed Harris plays temporary insanity so well and Will Ferrell plays it a bit straight this time. He actually does ok in this role. It's still a bit of comedy, but not exaggerated.


Steven Soderbergh's experiment of drawing non-actors to come and provide their interpretation of a story brings out perhaps crucial elements of acting. That of imersing yourself and infusing your own personal expression.

I think this experiment was a success. All three actors came through and the tragedy of all their lives and intersections can really get to you. I think this project was really meant to be a DVD. If you don't watch all the extras that came with the disc, you're really missing out on the process and real lives behind the project.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Order of the Phoenix

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix just happened to be playing at one of the cinemas on my drive what the hell....I went ahead and saw it :) They've added many characters since the series started, but I have to admit I really like Luna Lovegood (JK could have used a more "non-pornstar-like" name, but.... anyway). Luna reminds me of Wednesday Addams.

Weird is relative :)

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Live Free or Die Hard

Lucy McLane is all grown up (and really takes from her dad :) ). This installment of the Die Hard series delivers. Justin Long actually works as the odd guy opposite Bruce Willis (a different approach compared to the strength Sam Jackson brought in Die Hard with a Vengeance). Its fun and entertaining, and Silent Bob has a bit part!....oh, alright, he didn't really play Silent Bob (in which case I would have demanded Jay to be present :) ).

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Jonatha at the Triple Door

I wasn't feeling too well Saturday but I really didn't want to miss seeing Jonatha in her visit to Seattle. Her live performance is always special and its really interesting what a live show does to you. I loved her previous albums, but had not been as excited with the latest (Careful What You Wish For), but hearing a number of the songs live have given new life when I listen to them...I just can't put a finger on what it really is...but I'll just leave it as connection that just wasn't there before.
I'm glad I made it to the show.

Inside Man

I love how Spike Lee's sense of humor and how he injected it in short bits in unusual scenes in this movie. You can't go wrong with Clive Owen and he's really entertaining to watch when he does the narration as well (like he did in Croupier).

Denzel Washington's played quite a number of cop roles...good, smart, dirty, and some who are just somewhere in the middle.

This movie just had a stellar cast and having Willem Dafoe (who like Michael Caine and Christopher Walken) who plays tons of supporting characters all the time, gave the police credibility (and not just the punching bag when the FBI walks in a situation).

Thomas Beckett

I've always had this old VHS tape of Sniper. It's just one of those movies I love playing...or love having on while cleaning up at home, cooking, or sorting through files. There's a lot in the loneliness in Tom Berenger's character that I connect with that really shouldn't be interpreted as some sort of depression, but a normal state of some people who just have an affinity for solitude.

The movie apparently was a bit of cult hit and two sequels were actually I went out and sought to acquire a used copy of em somewhere.

Sniper 2 was actually pretty good. Paring Thomas Beckett with a real soldier this time was a good choice. Sniper 3 was ok, but I wasn't too crazy about it.

Surfing through the web, I actually found out that Tom's character was loosely based on a real marine sniper name Carlos Hathcock. I admired the story of his career, and how he preferred to be out of the limelight (he declined the Silver Star...though the military finally got him to accept it 30 years later). His service was cut short saving fellow soldiers in a fire (that left him with burn injuries the rest of his life). He's a pure soldier.

Tom Berenger was just the perfect fit to portray him. And you know Tom's played a lot of soldiers in his career (like Sgt. Barnes in Platoon :) ).

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Letters from Iwo Jima

I haven't seen Flags of our Fathers yet, but I have a feeling this is the better of the two WWII movies from Clint Eastwood. So many movies have been done from the American side that was a brilliant idea for Clint to think about changing the perpective from the Japanese side of the war.

The Japanese cast was very good, and you just can't go wrong with Ken Watanabe.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Ride's Over (for now)

The playoff run may have already ended, but the Warriors, in the eyes of many loyal fans at home (and some away from home, of course :) ), are proud of what they have accomplished this year. Even though the past couple of games had us looking hungry for more, we really were happy with just the mere thought of breaking into the playoffs.

Last night's loss, like any loss, did inflict pain. Did it hurt more knowing it was partly ex-Warrior Derek Fisher's contributions that won it for Utah? Actually, it was easier to accept it that way (even though Fisher really is more ex-Laker than ex-Warrior). It's a weird thing. It reminds me of this great scene in Road to Perdition when the old mob boss (played by Paul Neuman) knew he had reached his end when the assassin (an ex-crew member, played by Tom Hanks) entered the room. "I'm glad it was you." Seconds later he was dead.

But there really is so much more positive than negative. The sun's out and a brighter future is ahead.

Awesome season, guys! Thanks.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

A New Crew

Lewis, Ortmeier, Frandsen.

It's the new crew. And today's game against the Rockies was a showcase of the potential these guys have to offer to the Giants. They make contact and run like hell!

Add these guys to veterans like Aurilia, Sweeney, Vizquel, Roberts, and Durham and you've got quite a platoon of players.

I do look forward to seeing these guys get more action, more playing time to get them acquainted with everyday major league play.

Keep at it, guys...

Friday, May 11, 2007


It's really all gravy at this point. But by winning this game, the Warriors have again thrown another grenade at the NBA community...and that is faaaaaantastic baby!! After the game ESPN had to cut in to Sportscenter and the hosts couldn't believe what they had to say on the air, that this is "...Golden State ball..." (we gotta label now!)

Monday, May 07, 2007

Staying on Target

It wasn't a start for the history books, but a damn good one, nonetheless. Tim just went about his business and kept his focus on making pitches. While he may have looked lost at times, he was never astray for too long.

He can only get better.

Nutjobs and Goofballs

This series might not be as sensational as what we saw in Oakland last week, especially since the Warriors are a known entity now, well past the status of carefree underdog, but it's an aficionado's dream -- the rock-solid Jazz against what the Salt Lake City Tribune describes as "Don Nelson's crazy, talented little band of nutjobs and goofballs."

Quote of the day: What happens to Nelson's "We're just a bunch of schmoes" campaign now that the Warriors are in the second round? "It's Nellie and the good Schmoes," the coach said. "The better-than-we thought Schmoes."

Everyone's just coming along for the ride is what I'd like to say. Good, bad, loyal, detractor, bandwagon passenger, sports lover, anti-depressant, fan of the game, reporter, schmoe, nutjob, goofball. Either way it goes, it's all one big bus and everyone's invited :).

Friday, May 04, 2007


Do people still continue to not give the Warriors their due? How about this commanding win over Dallas? That change your mind a bit? :)

No matter. Ya can't ignore us anymore, that's fer sure!

Have a good one.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Gave ya a fright?

I don't care anymore how this series ends. This team is a winner in my eyes. The Mavs beat em up with a 21-point deficit early on. And what do the Warriors do? They crawl their way back in and even lead the game in the 4th quarter.

Why did they lose? I think it's destiny. They will win it back in Oakland. The basketball gods just felt it too inappropriate to allow the Warriors to not win in their home, where loyal fans deserve to feel the glory.

One thing for sure, the Mavs (and the crowd) were on the verge of a heart attack last night.

Sunday, April 29, 2007

We're still playin', baby!

The machine is working just fine, thank you very much! Ellis and Harington were off tonight, but hell, Pietrus and Barnes picked up and the team just kept the pressure on. Nellie was dishing defenisve plays masterfully. During the post-game interviews, even the Mavs admitted to getting rattled with Golden State's arsenal of zone and swarm plays.

The media is still in shock (and you know it, still saving some for the Mavs to come back). But now they can't do anything about it. The Warriors are playing hard, playing defense, attacking inside and outside....its the playoffs, they're winning. They can't escape it. They have to talk about the Warriors and suck it up!

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Game 3 Revenge!

Each Warrior playoff game has really been a time capsule in itself. There are no wild declarations of championship goals, just happy to still be around and playing each game as if it was the last....and I think that is just plain awesome. At the end of last night's game, there was confetti all over like we'd just won it all!

The Warriors devoured the Mavs. The Addams Family slogan is repeating in my head: "we gladly feast on those who subdue us".

It's just game 3, but indeed, we savor each victory.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

HA! Warriors win game 1!

"A shocker!"

"These pesky Warriors..."

I love it. Watching ESPN and listening to the tone in the newscasters' voices as they have to read their teleprompters and declare the Warriors winners of game 1. You really have to give the guys credit. They kept it close and kept themselves focused despite everything Dallas threw at 'em. So many heroes in this game, but I'm really impressed at Matt Barnes. Other than the mohawk (yeah, I know, the photo's a stock one :) ), he really made his presence felt...defense, rebounding, long range shooting, assists....all within the limited time off the bench...very commendable.

Sweet :)

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Warriors make the playoffs!!!

Sweeeeet!!! Man, I am sooo proud of these guys. A lot of credit really goes to Chris Mullin for working on the lineup until he finally got the right mix of guys. The Warriors look like the underdog waiting to breakout.


Saturday, April 07, 2007


Of the two films, I enjoyed Planet Terror more. Rose Magowan's Cherry Darling rocks and I thought Marley Shelton's Dr. Dakota Block and her "injection-gun" was really original. And man...trucks, trucks, trucks! Aww it was great to hear all the truck engines and watch all the heavy metal charging through all the zombies! The dialogue was just right (comapred to Death Proof's dragging conversations).

The filler trailers were fun and worth all the laughs and cheesy concepts. Danny Trejo's Machete could probably be done as a whole movie (Grindhouse 2?) in itself. Another nice treat were all the silly animations.

Death Proof as a whole had a good story but too much dialogue. But it did have clear winners: Kurt Russell, classic american muscle cars (love the sound of those big block engines), and Vanessa Ferlito :) All of Kurt Russel's dialogue were great. For some reason, I was very annoyed at all the black woman langauge....honestly, I don't think anyone else could say those lines...not unless their name happened to be Jackie Brown.

Monday, April 02, 2007

Gemma Hayes

Ran for Miles

Well I got myself a new day
And I got myself a second chance
So I headed to the bus stop
And the sun, the sun was warm on my back
Today I ran for miles
Just to see what I was made of
Today I ran for all that was mine
Well I got myself a song inside
And I got myself some full blown daylight
Wanna tell you just how hard it's been
Trying to talk myself out of jumping
Today I ran for miles
Just to see what I was made of
Today I ran for all that was mine
Today I ran for miles


Assimilation: Complete

In constant brainwashing of the Felt Mountain album, I am hopelessly hooked 'till the end. While this outstanding album already contains Lovely Head and Pilots, the unsung hero for me is Utopia.

Current state: Junkie ;)

uuutooopia uuuutoooopia

uuuuooooouuuu uuuuuoooouuuu


Sunday, March 11, 2007

Ellie Parker

It was probably a bad idea to watch this on a rainy Seattle sunday. The plight of an aspiring actress in a deadbeat LA life is just plain hard on any youngster with big dreams and high hopes. You really have to carry a lot of persistence, a good support group, courage, (and a sense of humor, I think) to be able to survive the volatile life that goes with the territory.

I really liked how it was done as a camera following Ellie as she juggles between auditions, relationships, and life.

Chevy Chase makes a surprise appearance as her agent(!)

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Empire of the Wolves

This is somewhat a collection of Luc Besson's characters in an alternate universe...Mathilde as a psychiatrist, Nikita as a lost woman with amnesia, and Leon as a dirty cop.

Wonderful Electric

I have this image of Ewan McGregor's character in Trainspotting, injecting a fresh dose of heroin in his vain, and in pure delight, expresses his satisfaction to his audience of friends..."it's good. it's so fucking good...(slipping into euphoria)"

Well, that's what Black Cherry is now after the tremendous high from the Supernature album, the Wonderful Electric DVDs, and quite a number of CD singles and extras that this addict has begun to acquire at such a junkie-ngly alarming rate :)

It is sooo good I've been holding off on getting Felt Mountain (the last one unaccounted for) for fear of running out of this much addictive drug. I'll have to do my best to squeeze every amount of Black Cherry first....before finally succombing to Felt Mountain.....then maybe a new album will be on the horizon.....I hope....please Alison? please?

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

The old crew's back!

Rich Aurilia's back, Barry B's back, Russ is back, JT's with the organization again, and the latest news is that Rob Nen's coming into the Giants organization as a special assistant! I'm really happy to see these guys back, especially JT and Nen. Now if they could just get Woody (Kirk Rueter) back in, that would make this reunion of the old crew much sweeter ;)

Monday, February 12, 2007


Like so many people before me (I think), I wondered how they could possibly expand this whole notion of a missing child in an airplane and make it into a movie. Well.....that's where a subplot fills the void :)

Jodie Foster did a really good job switching from one persona to the next. It's a study on character: starting out as terrified, annoying, and aggresive to borderline insanity to smart, courageous, and mother-protective of one's young (she becomes Ellen Ripley in the end of course ;) ).

Saturday, February 03, 2007


After I heard Pilots and Lovely Head, I said to myself that this was pretty much it....they couldn't possibly get any better. And then I heard Black Cherry....ok....well, past that I don't know....

Enter the Supernature album.

The album is a drug. It starts out strong with Ooh LaLa, Lovely 2 CU, and Ride a White Horse. Then the brainwashing starts with You Never Know and Let It Take You. By the time you get to Fly Me Away, consider yourself assimilated. Slide In and Koko keep you addicted. Satin Chic welcomes you to the fold. Time Out from The World....well, yes, but don't count on ever coming back ;). Number 1 keeps you in wonderland. And how would you describe this whole experince: Beautiful.

Should you decide to take on this assignment, get the CD/DVD edition of Supernature...truly worth every penny.

Now if you will excuse me.....I need to get back to my hypnotherapy :)

Friday, January 05, 2007

The 07 team so far...

Ok, ok, so the dotted lines have already been signed and we're all set to see Barry Zito in orange and black! I'm really excited to see more of that rainbow curve :) I do believe that the young pitchers will learn something from him, just as they did with Schmidt's fireball-change combo. Coming from the Athletics, I see Barry bringing a great attitude and mindset in the clubhouse and I wouldn't be surprised if great chemistry comes out of this year's rotation and pen.

Now, there are still a few more items that need to be addressed. I'm praying the Giants can finally work out a deal with Florida on Armando Benitez. It just hasn't worked out for him and I'd much rather take the risk with the younger guys to take a shot at the closer's role. I wonder if Robb Nen's arm is completely healed by now......ok, ok, I'm just kidding ;)

I'm not really sure about Klesko....I'd like to think that it would give Bochy flexibility in mixing the lineup with either left or right handed bats. I just hope this doesn't become a problem with the infielder corps, namely Durham, Feliz, Vizquel, Sweeney, Aurilia, and Klesko (and lets not forget a great prospect in Kevin Frandsen). Everyone wants playing time and I'd be interested to see how Bochy handles this situation.

Roberts, Vizquel, and Are we totally running the bases this year or what? Again, I'm interested to see how Bochy will play these guys around the sluggers, but I can't wait to see the gears roll on this one!

Let's roll!