Sunday, December 14, 2008

Madagascar 2

It was a friday night but I decided to watch a movie......and to my surprise there were only three of us in the this economic impact or just Madagascar 2 at the end of its run? The movie had its moments (including every scene where the penguins make an appearance) but I had a hard time keeping focused.

Saturday, December 06, 2008

Friday, December 05, 2008

Corinne Bailey Rae

It was that scene in Venus when Peter O'Toole's character, eager to impress young Jodie Whitaker (Jesse), that he takes her on a limo ride and when Jesse pokes herself out the sunroof that "Put Your Records On" started to play. After days of humming it I finally got the album and still play it quite regularly in the car. I enjoy listening to "Choux Pastry Heart", as well as "Like a Star". She's got a great smile and "early morning" eyes and soothing voice it feels like a Sunday morning listening to her.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008


Just watching tonight's news coverage made me call my brother and greet him a "Happy New Year!" That's how it felt like for me...a celebration of sorts, and in the words of Morgan Freeman's character Red, "...hope is a good thing...maybe the best of things...."

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Happy Pete and Scotty

Just want to shout out and congratulate ex-Giants' Pedro Feliz and Scott Eyre for being part of the team that won this year's world series! While Hamels was MVP and Lidge the lasting video highlight of the game, it should be pointed out that the winning RBI was Pedro's. I'm sure Scott is glad to have been able to recover from his banishment from the Cubs. Certainly these two feel they're in a much sweeter place right now. 'Happy for ya guys!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Jonatha at Shorecrest Performing Arts Center

The venue was an auditorium in Shoreline WA and was a very warm and intimate gathering. Jonatha's smart comments, funny antics, and acoustic perforance was the perfect mix and I had a great seat on the fourth row! :)

One song I didn't expect to hear was one that I hadn't heard in a long time and it was The Choice from her Ten Cent Wings album. It's great songwriting. A song of regret and being in that middle ground between looking back and turning away.

The Choice

i don't know what you expected
i don't know what else you've heard
but i guess you think you got what's coming to you
and i got what i deserve

i won't tell you a thing, you won't see me cry
i'll know what to do, i will not lie
i'll take the chance, i may be fine
but i may never be the same

i didn't ask for your precious pity
i didn't ask for your pain
and i didn't ask for your opinion
in the name, of your saints

i won't tell you a thing, you won't see me cry
i'll know what to do, i will not lie
either way i lose, either way we die

either way i'm alone when its time to decide

i don't know what you expected
i don't know what else you've heard
maybe i'll take what's coming to me
cuz it might be what i deserve

i won't tell you a thing, you won't see me cry
i'll know what to do, i will not lie
i maybe crazy, i may be blind
but i might love you more than my life

my choice, my chance, roulette, romance
i couldn't say no, now i still can't
god curse this moment god bless this chance
i will never be the same

Saturday, September 13, 2008

The Warfield Reopens

Reading through news on the net lead me to this article about the Warfield in San Francisco re-opening after a renovation. Despite a lot of efforts towards conservation, old buildings these days are always on the brink of demolition. I hope this latest chapter for the Warfield gives it more longevity. It's a memorable place for me because I've seen a lot of performances in this theater. One special memory is watching Fiona Apple for the first time, then promoting her Tidal album. I can still recall how the lights turned off, the crowd cheered, and the intro to "The Child is Gone" started. As the track built up to the first piano chords and finally her voice, that low overpowering voice suddenly captures you and you are smitten for the entire evening.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Radiohead's NW Visit

I don't know why but I've never had a desire to see Radiohead live, but since they were in town and I miraculously landed a lawn seating ticket (the show was supposed to be sold out), hey what the heck! The weather wasn't particularly cooperative but it did clear up before the show started (and didn't drizzle again 'till around the encore).

I don't think I've ever seen a band command so much respect from its audience. A lot of the tracks were subdued and stripped down and so had a lot of either silent or soft sections. During these sections, the crowd was dead silent. Sure, you'll hear a little scream here or there, but its not like a scream inside a subway station.....its like a scream inside a church!

Thom's voice is unique and I don't think I ever fully appreciated it until this live experience. Hearing him perform "there there" and "videotape" sent chills up my spine (and no, it wasn't the weather!)

Friday, August 15, 2008

Shawn and Nastia

It can get really tense watching gymnastics simply because you don't want someone to miss the bar, fall off the beam, or get hurt. But when the moves are done right, its a magnificent sight. Shawn Johnson and Nastia Luikin are a contrast of sorts....Shawn is short and powerful and Nastia is thin and elegant. If I were to follow what the NBC broadcasters were saying, it appeared that they were both not given as much due by the judges...but held their own and in the end performed so well any lesser scores would have been a clear injustice in front of the world. Congratulations both for finishing Gold and Silver, as you both had hoped it to end.

Friday, August 08, 2008

Welcome Back Vinnie!

It's been a great week and I am finally able to settle down and dedicate this entry to the return of Vinnie to KLLC of San Francisco, reviving once again the Sarah & Vinnie Morning Program. I do feel a personal bond with this show because I was there in the very beginning when they switched on from an all music format. Listening to the show was a great way to start the morning. When Vinnie left (or was fired) I can't say that I was upset, but I certainly stopped listening to radio and the switch to Sarah and NoName only made it worse. Plain and simple, in the voiceover words of Morgan Freeman's Red (from Shawshank Redemption): "I just miss my friend."

Anyway....enough sappy banter. It's great to see Vinnie back and I really like what Vinnie said when he mentioned hoping this return to the bay area would be his last move.

I sure hope so, good buddy. Catch you later...on streaming net. And hopefully one day when I make my own return to the bay area, I hope to turn on the radio in the morning and start the day right.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Squeek to a win

Last night's win wasn't pretty, and writers probably use it to summarize how the team's been this year. Still, I think the team's fine. They can go a similar route like the Rockies. Remember that this is the first year for most of the new players. It's a year of absorption. I look forward to next year when they will truly shine. Does that mean this season's done? Heck no. There's still a lot of games left and at rate the rookies are learning who knows how far this thing can go. I like how they've managed the rookies so you can play at a high level and be consistent, and you stay. Stray some, you go down and work on it. Maybe we'll call you back. This pretty much is filtering the rookie corps and the way it stands right now it looks like Lewis and Bowker have shown staying power.

It was bittersweet seeing Mark Sweeney last night. I really liked him and wished the Giants kept him the roster (and last night's pinch hit says a lot).

Monday, July 28, 2008

All is full of love

I don't know why it's taken me this long, but perhaps it was because of a hunger for more inspiration from music. That's what happens when the artists you normally follow are still in the midst of the next album or on tour, and you've already exhausted everything in their catalog. Similar to your primal instinct for finding sustenance, you begin to open yourself to what's out there and are less exclusive in your quest. Alas, the realization finally came when I was listening to a collection of Bjork tracks...and there it was: All is full of love. If listening to it doesn't capture you, then the video probably will...and chances are, you'll be as captivated. And as if I've known her for a long time, did I realize I've known her all this time....with Isobel....and Army of Me. Not that I had not heard All is full of love before, but I guess it's different now and the time is right. And with a sizeable catalog left to consume, I am filled with joy :)

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Gotta Happen

It was sad news that Baron decided to opt out of his contract, but I think it's for the better. I remember posting in one forum that if he really didn't want to stay that he should just go opt out now and find another place where he'd be happy (whatever that means to him). I have faith in Chris Mullin, that he will do what's best for the team and I'm sure his decisions do not revolve around Baron alone. I know it's still a business, but Golden State gave him a chance to shine again and if that means anything to him, hopefully he will at least give respect and dignity to Golden State...whatever he feels this city deserves, and what that ultimately says about who he is.... Amen.

Monday, June 30, 2008


It was just one of those hot days when the thought of sitting in a cool dark place was too good to pass up. I was a little skeptical and felt that this may be that chink in the armor for Pixar...but alas I was proven wrong (and happily so).

Thursday, June 26, 2008

They love ya, man! They really love ya!

It was heartwarming to see how well received Omar was in his first return to Cleveland after joining the Giants in 2004. There are just so many positives you can say about Vizquel as a person and as a player. He's remembered the most, however, for defense, and in the video tribute they played in his honor, that was the clear highlight. But he also does the little that squeeze bunt that won the game that day :).

Monday, June 16, 2008

Push! Push!

I don't think I've ever watched a golf program as long as I did on Sunday. And it simply was because Tiger wasn't blowing everyone away.....he was clawing his way back each time (talk about a handicap, huh?......with that knee, i mean, ah you get what i mean). And Rocco was just playing it cool and that was terrific. Come Monday it really didn't matter who could have won. This whole saga, beginning all the way back from Friday, was one great hell of a show. And Rocco deserves as much credit for keeping pace on all levels. On his way to receive his trophy, Tiger met with his wife Erin and daughter, Sam Alexis, and as he tried to hand over Sam back to Erin, she reached out back to him. Tiger's instant reaction was to get her back. at least for a little while longer. Surely, this was a warm moment for him as a father.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Battlestar Galactica

I've heard from a lot of people: "the new Battlestar Galactica is reaaallly good." So when I was browsing through used dvds at my local Half-Price Books, I grabbed what I think was Disc 1 (the long pilot/miniseries). Well, what can I say? Minus some of the weird horniness, I'd say it really is good stuff.

It's a great story, that of low-tech being the saving grace in what had become a too tech-savy world (is this a message for us folks in these times?.....maybe....)

Edward James Olmos and Mary McDonnell really fit the characters they play. I'm pleased to see their more complex rivalry compared to having just plain mudslinging between military and political factions.

Anyway, I'm just on disc 1 so who knows how this will all unfold. I just bumped up disc 2 on my Netflix Queue.


I was doing laps around the channels and made a pit stop every now and then at the NBA finals, just to see how Boston and LA were doing. After the 2nd quarter and with LA leading by close to 20, I started skipping it. I thought to myself that while Boston loaded itself with power players, it just wasn't ready yet as a team, and maybe Doc Rivers was still trying to figure out how to mix this mean cocktail :).

But alas, the Celtics bounced back and won it. They focused on tight defense, used bench players efficiently, switched players around...was that teamwork? From the outside it looked like Doc just finally found the right combination and strategy. But reading more about it on the net and the papers this morning, I did notice that hidden element that worked behind the scenes. They stopped looking at the score and players expressed the desire to be accountable. Yeah, I think there was a team in that scene.

On the other side of the court, maybe they should try something else. I'll admit it now, I really don't like Kobe. And if he's been playing it like "I'll let you kids try it yourselves first and then I''ll jump in and show you I can win this game all by myself", well......good luck to ya, man.

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Triple Play!

When Jose Castillo stepped on the bag and threw to second, I felt that chill behind my neck. Could they actually pull it off? Once the relay to first came I stared at the umpire and when he stretched out his arms that chill immediately escalated to a freeze...and then joy. I was so happy to have witnessed that triple play first hand. Even though it was through streaming video, the feeling was the same had it been live. Keiichi Yabu, in one pitch, ended the whole inning. How cool is that?

Friday, May 30, 2008


Well well we are defeating the first place Diamondbacks. We aint that bad you know? This 3-game sweep wasn't cheap, either.....winning against Haren and Randy Johnson. Still, the local papers remain negative...which is neither good nor bad. I'd just conclude that it means their expectations are higher :)

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Indy 4

Had Tom Selleck not been committed to a TV series a long time ago, this franchise would have been really different. But luckily, as fate would have it, Harrison Ford landed the role and he has kept it interesting and fun to watch. His brand of humor really works when it's not the primary selling point of a movie.

It would have been great to have Sean Connery and Denholm Elliott back for this reunion, but Karen Allen and John Rhys Davies were both welcome faces. Spielberg and Lucas really beat up Harrison and there were times it felt like I was watching John McClane's brother! :)

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Hang in there

It's been a tough losing streak the past six games, but the team just needs to hang in there...things will get better on their own. With Velez and Bocock now back in Fresno, hopefully it gives them the motivation to work on what they picked up from playing the major league level and get them back soon. At the same time, its pleasing to see more new guys like Travis Denker and Alex Hinshaw getting a chance to get more exposure.
I honestly can't wait to see Zito back on the mound. I personally like the progress he's made the past two games and I do believe he will bounce back, despite what everyone says. The bullpen has struggled lately (Wilson's saves have been shaky) and I think the pre-game meeting Bochy had with them helped lift their spirits a bit.

Can't end this entry without acknowledging Aurilia and Vizquel, who despite age, are showing the youngsters how to persevere, continuously bounce back, and contribute to the team.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Tina Dico at the Nectar Lounge

It was a really warm weekend and what better way to celebrate it than with a Sunday night live music gig....well, late night, that is.....the tix did say 8pm but I don't think the front act even started 'till about 9 and Tina's set was pushed to 10......coincidence or the fact that her latest album's titled "count to ten" :). Anyway, on to the show! Having seen her before when she was doing shows at Chopsuey, I think she's more confident this time and there's something really bright about her, or maybe that was just the lighting :).

She performed a lot of tracks from her latest album, and halfway through the set she did do a medley of songs from her previous albums, and even gave in to a few requests (yes, the folks asked for 'Warm Sand'). Having worked with a band in her other shows I think has added a nice dimension to her performance, but this night when she played acoustic with us, brought out some interesting variations, where I think in some situations the way she played and sang was intended to go with a band behind her, be she continues to perform the same way. And it does work, actually, and really exposes her voice and guitar work.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Pushed far enough

Annika Sorenstam and Justine Henin have both made the judgement that they have pushed far enough and its time to throw in the towel. I've always admired the seriousness that Annika brought to her game. Even when she smiled or laughed a bit, you knew it was never going to last.....her face would turn back to serious (or neutral) and she'd be ready for the next swing. Justine Henin is not too far from that mold, I think. I haven't seen her as much as Annika, but whenever I think of someone who has indeed stretched it far enough or made that full extension to earn every point, I'd think of Justine. It's amazing how much she can do with that frame. Anyway, farewell to you both, and all the best in that next step in your lives.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Absence makes the heart grow fonder?

Watching the news clip on Sergio Garcia after he won the Players Championship, the last thing I thought he would say....and what was on my mind.....he actually said. Smiling, he started his acceptance speech with a thanks to Tiger Woods for not competing in the tournament.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

The Anointed One

I was anointed by the pagan goddess :)

One of the things I miss about San Francisco is that it's a major stop for artists. When I heard that Goldfrapp was doing a show at the Warfield, my heart sank. It wasn't until the last week or so when circumstances turned in my favor and I found myself back in SFO just in time to watch a cold-infected Alison courageously sing, among other tracks, Utopia. I was one happy camper :).

QnA from SFGate

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Take Notice

In one of my email exchanges to a former co-worker, I got the sad news that she had a diminished interest in the Giants this year and I found myself trying to sell the excitement of the new crew, one highlight of which is how refreshing defense from left field now looks like with Fred Lewis. He again showed this last night when made a perfect relay to throw out Josh Bard from second base. Like I've been saying lately to quite a number of folks, you just have to give this crew a chance. Emmanuel Burris is one of the new additions to the next generation, and he delivered.

Let's not end this entry with all glowing praise to the young guys. Last night's rally, after all, would not have been possible if that old, slow, guy named Bengie Molina hadn't hit a monster homerun off of Trevor Hoffman. Yes, it still pays to have veterans mixed with the kids, because experience is still a valuable commodity, and Bengie's got a lot of it......and a lotta Heart....ya need to impart that trait to the kids as well.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Congrats, Danica!

Danica Patrick's patience and hard work has finally culminated in a win! It's no secret that everyone has been tagging her as a Kournikova-in-the-making, but she really isn't given enough credit and she's no slouch in the racetrack. I'm glad that this win finally helps give her a bit more respect. I'm sure this will magnify her stardom significantly, but moreover, this is a great day for loyal fans. When I last saw her at Infeneon Raceway in Sonoma, her fans cheered her every pass around the track. Her fans in Japan must have been screaming with joy. Cheers, guys!

Friday, April 11, 2008

Wins and Losses

Confidence continues to grow with the new Giants crew. A great balance of youth (Lewis, Castillo, Wilson), seasoned guys (Taschner, Correia, Rowand), and veterans (Molina, Aurilia) came alive last night and I was very satisfied with the win. Sadly, this came in the same evening the Warriors lost to Denver and now fall a game behind in the playoff race. Not that it eliminates them completely....but that would have been a great moral boost.

Not that I'm a big hockey fan, but the Sharks won over Calgary in the NHL playoffs last night.

Is there a loss to balance this one? are our football teams rebuilding this off season?

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Congrats, Frank!

I think the choice to have Frank Somerville replace Dennis Richmond in the 10 O'Clock news is a great choice. Being a big fan of Mornings on 2, I've always enjoyed Frank's light approach to delivering the news (and how we can easily switch to a serious tone when the news calls for it). Him paired with Ross and Tori make a great team......and that probably leads-in to a bit of sadness for me, as this will most likely split him from that crew (I mean he can't do both morning and evening shifts for sure.......or can he???....nah :) ) I still do my best to catch KTVU here in the Seattle area every chance I get (thanks to my brother's slingbox :) ) and now I'll have more to look forward to for the evening broadcasts. I'll always remember Frank for one of the station's anniversaries when they showed how Frank proposed to his wife (who was a producer or director I think at the time) was one of those great moments in local TV.....the camera suddenly turning to her...and there was Frank proposing on the air :)

Anyway, I'm glad you're still at KTVU, Frank, and congratulations on the new evening anchor position!

So who subs for Frank on Mornings on 2 now? (Willie Brown? :) )......just kidding!.....or ammm I???


They'll ramp up soon enough

I've been guilty of impatience myself. But I always find a way to reason with my stubborn side to remember that these guys are fresh and they will make mistakes....they will discover major league play on the job.....they will even mess up routine plays at times. But they will get the hang of it soon enough and the talent that got them here will be revealed.

I was really happy for Daniel Ortmeier last night. My brother was witness to my constant ranting on him during spring training and I think Bochy's (and Lansford's) decision to keep him batting from the right side only has paid off. Personally, I'm just glad he's persevered as much and hope he continues to do so as the long season ahead will definitely test him.

Congratulations also to Jonathan Sanchez and the bullpen, who picked up each other.

A big WOOHOO for Fred Lewis' double play at the plate! I'm sure a lot of folks have to start getting used to outstanding defense from left field now that we've got him patrolling that area :).

Thursday, April 03, 2008

First Win of the Season

Finally, one for the win column :) It's been rather depressing the past two games (especially Matt Cain's gem of performance that went unrewarded) so to finally get last night's win (a game-ending double play) is a boost for this crew. It's become apparent, however, that it truly is time to give all the new guys more playing time. They're hungrier, stronger, and it's really refreshing to see new players, especially the ones that are doing well.

Eugenio Velez is as potent as he was in spring training. Jose Castillo came out of nowhere and is a pleasant surprise (he reminds me of Deivi Cruz for some reason). I'm hoping to see more of Fred Lewis and Brian Bocock, and hopefully more of Steve Holm. And Merkin! He really has rebounded after TJ surgery (also Tyler Walker). But let's not forget the real winner last night: Tim Lincecum. He not only pitched great, he won the game by getting a hit off of Loaiza and eventually scoring on Randy Winn's sacrifice fly.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Assimilation Complete. ST Routines Installed.

Resistance is futile.

Seventh Tree is now in my veins. There is something eerily haunting in Alison's voice and the simple combinations or orchestrations she and Will used for this album.

Watching the DVD (that accompanies a special edition of the album) repeatedly the past couple of days reminds me how much a visual person I am, and in this case...the audio-visual experience just makes me appreciate the album more, especially the instrumental versions of Road to Somewhere and Some People.

Friday, February 29, 2008

Seventh Tree

Being a huge fan of Goldfrapp's Black Cherry and Supernature albums and accustomed to their high energy, I had a few seconds of numb sadness, even disappointment, after my first pass at Seventh Tree.

Then I listened to it again.

To date I haven't skipped to any particular track. And the more I listen the more this album is growing on me. It feels as though Seventh Tree is one long and epic track. At some point I'm sure I'll begin to recognize individual tracks...

Right now I think it will be Road to Somewhere for a while.

Am I really getting anywhere? :)

Message in a CyberBottle?

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

More 08 Oscars

Behold, the best actress: Actor/presenter Forest Whitaker holds a tearful Marion Cotillard backstage after announcing her win for La Vie en Rose.

"George Clooney, you know, the seriousness and the dedication to your art, seeing you climb into that rubber batsuit from 'Batman & Robin' -- the one with the nipples, every morning under your costume, on the set, off the set, hanging upside-down at lunch -- you rock man." -- Tilda Swinton, thanking "Michael Clayton" co-star George Clooney after winning best supporting actress trophy.

(pics and notes from

Sunday, February 24, 2008

2008 Oscars

Marion Cotillard won. Amen :)

More notes:

  1. - Amy Adams' singing on stage was magnificent. She even stayed to perform with other stage performers for the other nominated song (why didn't Patrick Dempsey do the same?)

- Damn I really regret having not taken my Spanish elective classes in college...otherwise I could have understood Javier Bardem's last sentences for his mother.

Again it's a struggle with time, but the montages gave me an idea...why not show as much only to fill time and give the award winners a little more time. Still, some montages could have been omitted and some sections like how the votes are tallied. Really, you can just post all the incformation in the website for full disclosure...

Teleprompter - these are actors, don't you think they can remember a few sentences?

I wish they'd stop saying how many times someone has won or been nominated for an award.

Joel and Ethan Coen either showed us what these award shows mean to them or they just are not known for openly expressing gratitude...maybe both (not that there's anything wrong with either one).

Best Speech: Tilda Swinton (and she finished it even before the music started)

Next year's host should be: Jack Nicholson :)


There's just something about Ellen Page that annoys me the first time I see her portray a role, and yet I can't turn away, and by the end of the film I've pretty much been won over. It's like the reaction that couple had with Kramer's potrait in Seinfeld.
It's not the first time that a movie has been made about teenage pregnancy, but this one feels really fresh and suited for today's time. JK Simmons also plays a great father role in this one.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Numero Uno

Anytime someone "from the streets" makes it in the "big world", everyone takes notice. Who is to say it only applies to humans :) .....congratulations to Uno for surprising all those tricked out poodles at Westiminster. ...dare I call him an underdog ? :)

SFGate article

My fate at the ICU and the Warriors

Hey first of all, I aint complainin' really happy the Warriors have won the last three games (Kings, Wizards, and Suns) and to my utmost enjoyment...but all three have been such heart attack finishes I'm probably headed for the Intensive Care Unit :). Ellis has really developed into a great player and I just hope the Warriors can keep him (and that he reciprocates with the team that gave him his chance)...same goes for Andris Biedrins. These two guys were question marks for me in the past and I wondered why Chris Mullin spoke so highly of them back I know (and I will trust you more, sir ;) ).

Sunday, February 10, 2008

The 08 Grammy Awards

The Grammy Awards has never really been the same for me and I can't even remember when that "magic" was lost. My last happy memory was when Stevie Wonder did a joke on stage trying to raise his glasses to read the nomination card...when was that? sometime in the 90's, right?

Alas, this years Grammy would have been just another one passing by for me had it not been for....yes, honestly......Stevie Wonder! I think it was a great advantage for him to not be at the mercy of the teleprompter. Having been introduced as a 25-time Grammy winner, he certainly was the most comfortable on stage. And did you hear him sing the chorus line from Alicia Keys' "no one"? He can still hit the high only a 25-time Grammy winner can.

Maybe I'm just getting old, but Herbie Hancock's Gershwin tribute was the performance highlight for me and made me feel really glad to have not missed this year's show. And yes, I truly enjoyed Amy Winehouse.....she even brought the beehive back!

Sunday, February 03, 2008


Just watching Philip Seymour Hoffman and Catherine Keener's exchanges makes it for me for this film. Right now, I just can't think of anybody else who could have played Truman Capote and Nelle Harper Lee the way these two did...(yes, I know there was another one...and nope, not interested in seeing it :) ).

Thursday, January 10, 2008

08 Giants so far

So far, they did most of what I had in my wish list: they re-signed Omar Vizquel and kept the pitching crew intact. Getting Aaron Rowand is an interesting acquisition, and my gut tells me he will make an impact. I would like to see Kevin Frandsen get the second base job. As for the corners, I wouldn't mind getting Mark Sweeney back to help Rich Aurilia platoon those positions (or how about Tony Clark?) with either Dan Ortmeier or other prospect.

I still think this is a transition year to that rebuilding phase, but who knows, this crew just might surprise us. If Frandsen gets the starting job, this might be his breakout year. I feel a trade or two is still coming to get one of the corners and a relief pitcher perhaps.